Newton REsidence

After transforming an unused garage bay into bicycle storage, owners were looking to remove a good length of aged asphalt driveway. By removing a huge swath of underutilized asphalt, we were able to expand the garden area, incorporate a ground level outdoor entertaining space, as well as work in a beautiful brick path to access that bicycle storage. Adding a plethora of new shrubs and small trees, we were able to create a great sense of privacy from the street for that new back yard entertaining area. The integration of stepping stones keeps hardscape areas connected but help with drainage issues on the sloped areas. This also allowed for more garden area and a large variety of plant types to be utilized. Pink dogwoods, evergreen yews, mountain hydrangea, rhododendrons and azaleas of many cultivars were just a subset of the woody plants added to create a solid backbone to the garden area. Larger plant were used to interrupt unwanted sight lines and provide privacy for the new entertaining patio area. Many types of woodland loving perennials and ground covers add subshrub level interest and multi-season color to this residential garden.